App user experience design for SXP, a product based project management software by Building4Business.

While designing and developing both the SXP app and website, I had an opportunity to make some improvements to the overall user experience of the app itself. As this was a relatively new app in the market, it was important to get the experience right as early as possible. Fortunately, having beta testers early on helped to validate some assumptions that were made.

My approach was to take a step back from the current version of the app and think about what it is that we really wanted users to achieve. Making the learning curve easier for newly on-boarded users, making navigation simpler, and labels more easy to understand were some of the outcomes from these UX activities aimed at improving app user experience design.


Stakeholder management user flow
SXP app UX Stakeholder management user flow
Stakeholder group relationships
SXP app UX Stakeholder relationships