App design and development project for SXP, a product based planning software by Building4Business.

As the app team follows an Agile practice, it was great to have an iterative approach to design which I enjoyed. Initially, I had defined what the actual intended user experience would be. Having feedback from user testing the app with beta test clients fed into this process, with incremental changes and improvements made across the app over time from a design perspective.

Development wise, the app is written with Ruby on Rails 5, using Bootstrap 4 on the front-end, with jQuery and vanilla JavaScript. A substantial part of the app relies on an interactive HTML5 Canvas, which displays data from the app’s API. To perform CRUD actions, users interact directly with the canvas.

I’ve taken a modular approach when developing the client side part of the app, keeping the various sections of the app clean, well defined and compartmentalised. This was important to me as there were many instances where code could be reused, so keeping it DRY was first in my mind. On the server side, I’ve followed Rails conventions as standard.


Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator


Ruby on Rails, HTML including Canvas, JavaScript, jQuery and other libraries